Many of you that have come by the shop know that I have a "Words for the Week" board in my front window. Each week I choose a quote that provides inspiration, humor and just interesting words that I have come by. Words are power. They have the ability to heal or destroy depending upon how you use them.
As we are here in the new year many of you have made new years resolutions.
I am going to exercise more, I am going to eat right, I am going to stop smoking, I am going to find the man (or woman) of my dreams etc. Many of you have great intentions at the beginning but lets be real, a number of you will fail. Why is that? I feel its the "words" you expose yourself to. Words from your friends, your significant other and more importantly from yourself. You are human, you will fall off the band wagon but the important thing is that you get back on.
Words are power. Expose yourself to positive affirmations, inspirational quotes and surround yourself with people who will encourage you. You can succeed! The power is in your hands.
I came across some words that I want you to keep handy. Bring it out and read it whenever you feel you are not reaching your goals or when you are feeling down.
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss
This is so easy, even a child can understand. You can do it!
Mystic Journey offers many classes and workshops to help you along the way.
Click here for a list of upcoming classes and workshops
Sarah Jaeger, Mystic Journey